Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Whimsical Wednesday

Oh....I am in the post party doldrums this evening!!

It was very hot today and tonight is cooling down some, thankfully. The air is on, of course, but it still hangs pretty heavy out there.

I haven't cleaned up the supper dishes yet, nor made hubby's lunch. Our water system is down [again] and I did take a nice long scrub-a-dub a bit ago, so I am feeling a bit better. It's a pain...but the construction on the water lines is set to begin this week. So, I can make it through one more time. Hubby tried to fix the darn thing to no avail tonight... but it was so hot I called him in and said "Let it go". We'll manage like we always do...

My friend left today about 12:30. I miss him terribly, but must [guiltily] admit, it's nice to have the house to myself again. It's amazing how much you get used to being alone and how much you miss it...even when you love the person sharing your space. lol xoxoxoxo((Paxaa)))
Hope your trip home was uneventful and restful and you're settled in and enjoying a late snack. Caylee and Lucy keep looking for you!!

Just off the phone with 2 sponslings in a worried because she got so fed up with the "BS at this meeting" she had to leave. The other just chattering away. Amazing...

Having lunch with my SIL tomorrow at the lovely Klingel House Tea Room. Will be good to have some time with just her and me. I have a couple of other errands to run, then pick up hubby, drop him off at home and then go to my womens meeting. Picking up another sponsling and then spending an hour or so after the meeting with her to go through the second step.

Life in AA just keeps getting better and spite of me. I am especially blessed:

*To have women who really want to get sober in my life
*To know sober people all over the world!
*To be able to experience the emotions I have today
*To have a stable marriage
*To have friends with stable marriages
*To have just had a grand weekend, full of love and laughter
*To be looking forward to a nice quiet weekend coming

I'd best be getting to the will soon be late!!



  1. Oh yes, back in the valley and things are just as they should be.

    I know just how nice it is to get back to your own life after having others around and sharing space with them. I's all good, I say.

    Much Love to you Dear One.

  2. I imagine your "post party doldrums" won't last too long. There is way too much humor, love, AA, sponsees, animals, growing things, peace, and serenity in your life to allow doldrums to stay around.

    Sounds like you will be quite happy when the water situation is straightened out.

    I was grateful for the great weather we had over the weekend at your place. I was looking for relief from the Florida 90s and I got it.

    Love and prayers,

  3. Hey there Akannie, you and Prayer Girl are the only two people I have ever heard calling the sponsees sponslings. Cool.

  4. I was taught very early in AA never to leave a meeting. I used to get real upset at what I perceived as the "BS" in the mtgs. but learned that it only improved if I stayed and helped to bring the subject back to the basics. My Sponsor told me that if we all left when we didn't agree then AA might not be there for our kids.

  5. I know, Ginnie...I was taught the same thing. I also know that as long as she was worried about doing it, it'll probably be okay. We talked about it at length...

    I told her, "You never know what you might miss when you walk out of a meeting...might be the one thing you were really supposed to hear."

    I have this conversation a lot with the ones who are smokers and can't seem to go for an hour without smoking...
