Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday Rocks!!

Just home from a womens meeting. A little late because I stopped to talk awhile...

It's been a good day, with me being lazy and a tiny bit productive and mostly just looking at the possibility of a nap. lol I slept later than usual, and it was overcast and cool all day today. I wore sweat pants and schlepped around all day with big socks on and a long sleeved shirt. Odd day, altogether...

Tired and have to be up early to take himself to work. I have the girls coming over at 10:30 tomorrow morning., and I have to drop by the DMV and get the tags renewed for my car. Also need to get more groceries...and the store I love to shop for all my produce doesn't open til 9. much to do, so little time.

One of my sponslings is cooking up a secret family recipe mostaccioli for a potluck tomorrow night, so I won't have to cook dinner at least. Then I'm speaking at my pal's birthday meeting at 8. It'll be a full day. And weekend. Another friend is speaking Saturday night, and we've been invited for an early supper Sunday up to another sponslings home. Life is good and full in this fellowship...

All the goggies are home and ready for bed, so I'm thinking I should follow suit. I came home, fed the baby kittens, made husbands lunch and scooped the litter boxes. All I need now is some sleep. *grin

Blessings abound. A short list would include:

*Being a useful member of society
*NOT being bitten by that snake (thanks PG!)
*Healthy wonderful pets
*Being able to ask for help today (Wasn't always so)
*Losing 15 pounds so far!!!!
*Having satellite access tonight
*The storms are finally over
*Hearing my dear (((Gabi)))'s beautiful voice on my voice mail
*A loving husband who will celebrate 17 years with me on the same day that I celebrate 19 years of being with Alcoholics Anonymous
*Getting to share that day with other people I love,too
*ALMOST sharing that date with another favorite blogger, the chicken joke lady
*Knowing, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that God has a plan for my life today, and that I don't HAVE to know what that plan is

Feeling especially blessed to have 12 Steps in my life.



  1. Feeloing grateful for you tonight.

  2. What a pleasant blog to read at 1:30 AM! Girl, please don't get blogged (I mean bogged) down. "Things" will still only happen one at a time. No Matter What.

    I'm glad i got you back on my sidebar.
