Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday... Sunday

Wow. What a Sunday it has been. Hit the 10 AM meeting and then had lunch at our favorite Mexican joint, Los Tres Amigos. Then we stopped by the park to take a little walk and kill an hour or so. Actually, hubby walked and I spent most of that time returning phone calls that came in while I was in the meeting. My knee has been killing me and it's pretty inflamed and viciously sore. I'm sure it's the meniscus again...they said it would probably be good for about 10 years last time they did the arthroscopic surgery on it, and it's about 10 years exactly. sigh...Of course, all this garden and yard work isn't helping it a bit.

We got home around 4PM and then spent the next 4 hours working outside. Well, let me rephrase tht: I spent the next 4 hours doing that, while he took another walk. He did at least get the 4- 7 foot posts in the ground, that we are going to jury rig the green bean trellis with. I need to get those beans in the ground.

This afternoon I planted nasturtiums, parsley, rosemary, sage, lemon balm, basil, and a pot with 2 spider plants in it. I put the rosemary in a pot on a stand that I can easily take in when the weather turns cold again. Rosemary does not over winter here. I love having fresh rosemary to cook with...

Today we let the kittens outside for the first time. You should have seen them...they were in absolute awe over the big world! They are over 10 weeks old now and too adorable for words.

I am especially tired tonight and will sign off for now. Tomorrow I will post new pictures....well, wait. Maybe not. I forgot I have a very tight schedule tomorrow... I am meeting a new sponsee for lunch and then after I pick himself up from work, we are going to a potluck for the last class. That means I have to whip up something wonderful to take...sheesh...not sure where I'll fit THAT in. lol It also needs to be vegetarian. Guess I'd better get looking at some recipes....


1 comment:

  1. Busy Annie, you'll get it done. But, again tomorrow night--you may sleep good. (Now, THAT'S projection.)

    So many of us bloggers had a GREAT Sunday, and you and I are in that crowd. I'm glad!
