Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday ...just Tuesday

Oh yeah...this is definitely what I needed today....

What a day. It started out on a doable front and wound up with me having a meltdown. It was just a bubble off "Life on life's terms" and I wasn't coping well at all. sigh...

To begin with, Mr Weather Anchorman...it never hit 60 today. It was 52 at the apex. NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!!! It was cold out there and it was cold in my house, because I refuse to turn the heat back on when it's spring. (I know...I know).

I cleaned the carpets, and I'd no more than gotten started when the pump stopped working, and I had NO running water. In order to finish the job, I had to boil water and mix it in with spring water. So it took 3 times as long to finish it up. I hurt my back moving that stupid wooden table off the rug...you know, the one filled with Records (the vinyl music kind) which are heavy when there are probably 200 of them in there. Plus, the table is solid hardwood and an old piece of furniture. S-O-L-I-D.

I went outside to check for eggs and found one of my hens dead in the run. I have had these chickens for over 2 years and I have no idea what has happened. It's hard to cry over a dead chicken, but with my luck she was probably one of the only 2 that are laying regularly.

Then my brother called to say they won't be here tomorrow...the appointment was rescheduled AGAIN. (So, I could have waited on the floors). (And the groceries). Arrgghhh....

Then I had a coughing fit that was so bad, I peed myself. THAT WAS IT!!!!!!! As I ran to the bathroom, I tripped and stumbled, and started to cry. In a matter of minutes, I'm sitting in the bathroom bawling like a baby, and little babydawg is sitting in the hallway looking at me, cocking her adorable little head this way, then that way, and trying to figure out what she is supposed to do next. And I had a good cry and then I felt better.

My back still hurts, and the pump still doesn't work. But the floors are clean, and I have a pork shoulder to cook tomorrow and I'm staying home and planting the rest of the hens and chicks and a beautiful red Bee Balm plant I was given today. I'm also getting some flowering Quince from my neighbor and some other things maybe...so I can work out in the yard all day tomorrow if I want. The weather people assure me it will be in the 60's tomorrow.....

And I'm blessed to know that I'll wake up sober tomorrow and start my day with prayer and try to keep it on the straight and narrow.

And I have the number to the plumber, and I'm calling him first thing.... As soon as I have my coffee.



  1. There are a certain few who have the ability to write a sort of diary, a "what-I-did-and-how-I-felt-about-it"
    piece...and make it sound like a literary work of art.

    I greet you, Annie--another of the "certain few" you certainly ARE!

    And you do it in sober fashion which means even though I did not do one thing you did--I can identify with everything. Oh yes, forgot--I ALSO stayed sober!

  2. It was 32 and snowing here, just sayin'. Hope today is much, much better!jeNN

  3. All the best for a better day today Dear One.

    Love to you

  4. Mama told us there'd be days like this, days like this...

    Hugs to you sweet Annie

    xxMary LA

  5. Please stay safe. Thank God the only thing broken (of you) was a little piece of your good humor.

    Awaking sober and prayer is the perfect remedy for any past woes and to usher in a beautiful new day.

    Love and prayers,
    Prayer Girl

  6. Reminds me of my Mother at the Dr office, she was sitting on the tabel naked and started coughing and peed with the Dr. right there. He smiled at her and said, You Leak.

  7. Well, I'm sorry you had such a rotten day but it sure was entertaining reading about it! You're such a good writer. Hope today is better!

  8. I agree with Mary...there are those moments, I hope that tomorrow is a blessing as my day most certainly was because I knew that you are in it...love to you Annie...

