Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wacky Wednesday

And thank goodness it's almost over. LOL

On the bright side, I found 2 pairs of jeans for hubby

at Goodwill, nice ones, Eddie Bauer, for 4 bucks a pair. Woohoo! They make great work jeans and it doesn't matter so much that they get all funky from making pipe. I also found one pair for me and a pair of almost new capris (almost time for those!!-today was 55 and tomorrow is gonna be 65!!) and a T shirt for hubby, and spent less than twenty dollars all together. I am ALL about the bargains, baby...

And I know what you're thinking....laa-dee-frickin'--da. Right? lol
After stopping off at my sisters house (post bone cruncher) I headed home and just stayed here til time to get himself from work. Sis gave me a really nice air purifier. I mentioned to her that I was going to start looking for an air cleaner to keep in this room wehere the computer is, and she said "I have one you can have." Seems she bought this thing and then her husband couldn't stand the way it smells --(all bleachy) he said. It's actually an air purifier and creates ozone. She paid over two hundred dollars for it, she said. I have it on top of the bookcase and we shall see if there is any discernable difference in the next couple of days. FREE. (I'm ALL about the bargain, baby).
I'm heading to bed, just wanted to stop in and say hey. Too tired tonight, and thankfully, tomoorw I get to sleep in and stay home. I have already made hubby's lunch and his breakfast (he likes egg sandwiches), the kitchen is all cleaned up, the critters are all in and everyone is fed. The sick little baby kat, I am relieved to report, is MUCH better. She has been medicated within an inch of her life, and the antibiotics seem to be working. Thank goodness. I was very concerned about her. But tonight she is sitting on my lap again and even purring through her congestion (probably a lot like our Pammie! lol). She's not fighting the medicating procss nearly as much either. Hallelujah!
Goodnight you princes (and princesses) of Maine, you Kings (and queens) of New England. Sweetest of dream time to you all....



  1. on I love me some goodwill too. LOVE it!

  2. Hey what about us queens down South?

  3. Well, yes...of course you queens down south!!! LOL

    That goes without saying....xoxoxox
