Thursday, March 12, 2009

[Maureen-in yellow shirt]

I just got word that my old sponsor from North Carolina died this afternoon of a brain hemorrhage. She collapsed and never regained consciousness. Originally from New York, she was old school AA all the way. I believe that she had about 38 years in the program now.

She probably knew me better than anyone has ever or will ever know me. She guided me through some tough times with her wise and gentle sobriety. From the first time I met her, I wanted what she had. And she was surely the best example I have ever seen of giving back what has been so freely given...

I sit here with tears of grief and gratitude all mixed up together. I was truly blessed to have been a part of her life and to have her as part of mine. Since we had no family there, we spent many a holiday at their house and always felt like part of their big Irish Catholic family. She made the best NY Cheesecake I have ever eaten. And her Irish Soda Bread was outta this world.

They had a huge blended family, both of them in recovery when they first met and married, both widowed, he with 5 kids, her with 6 kids and then they had a baby together.

I am grateful for the women in AA who have shown me how to be a wife and mother and sister ...and especially, there will always be a piece of my heart that belongs only to this wonderful woman that I met at 6 years sober, who walked me through my marriage, through the industrial accident and medicating that happened as a result of that, and through each step of my sobriety for almost 9 years.

Rest in Peace, you angel....your journey takes you on new roads now...



  1. Annie, I really like what you wrote. And I like Namaste. Bless you, and my sympathy is with you today.

  2. The lights in heaven just got a little brighter, and we will always be the better for the time that God let that light be mortally contained for a brief moment to show us the way...

    Sympathy goes to you and to Maureen's family as you experience the grief and sadness at the loss of this wonderful human, and gratitude to you and for sharing her and what you have learned and experienced so well!!!

  3. It's so hard to loose our mentors in the fellowship. How wonderful that you have such awesome memories.

  4. Amazing how the women of AA have taught me how to be a human among humans.

    I am sorry for your loss, but my beliefs suggest that she is still with you and you embody so much of what she shared with you, as I read your post I realized that just in the few interactions we've had you have been her to me...amazing how that gets passed along and not lost!

    Thank you...I am thinking of you !


  5. My prayers go out to you, Maureen, her family, all those who loved her, and all those she loved.

    Thank God for people like her who are there for each of us as we walk in the doors of AA. May we pass on what she gave so freely to those who will walk in the doors of AA today and each day that comes.


  6. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Which we once more learned today. My thoughts are with Maureen's family and you. Send you my love and strenght

  7. oh, I am so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a real power of example. She is safe with her God now.

  8. How terribly sad. I am sorry for your loss.
