Monday, March 16, 2009

Maudlin Monday

Happy Soberversary, (((MaryLA))) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thought I'd give you a blue place to dance .... xoxoxoxo My life and my sobriety are richer having you in them. Thank you!!!!

Having said I am so tired and wanting to sleep. Not a lot to say tonight and hoping I can get this to post..Having a terrible time with the internet connection. Has me pulling my hair out.

It was almost 75 degrees today and now at 11 is still 52. Hope the weather holds for a while. We need sunshine!!! The grey days of midwestern winter need to go away.

I didn't go to the class tonight...feeling a little yucky and just didn't want to go anywhere. Have a busy-ish week comiong down the pike...tomorrow the satellite internet guys are coming to do the site survey and hopefully hook me up. I also have a sponsling coming to do a 4th step she's been working on. Wednesday I am having lunch with my sister and sister-in-law and then going to pick up a new(ish) computer chair I found on Craig's List for twenty bucks. The one I have is killing my back. Thursday I have a doctor's appointment with a new doctor. Friday, I am working with a newbie on her 4th step. I am also going to try to help her set up a budget. Saturday we are going to a spring solstice celebration that starts at 4PM and I have to take a covered dish. That same morning, I am chairing the 10 o'clock meeting for the month of March. Whew....

I need to get some more work down in my yard too. And it's almost time to start my indoor flats of seedlings for the garden. Maybe next week. I am excited about that! I need to check on my potato order too...they haven't come yet and it's nearing time to get those in the ground. So much to do...

I am so grateful to be sober. And healthy. And to be useful and competent and compassionate (most of the time). I'm so blessed to have sober friends. And a family that loves me.

Life is good.



  1. Yeah, get those potatoes in the ground, Annie K. We gonna "have fries with that?" B-B-Q -grin!

    If you catch my blog today, please don't think I've gone off my rocker--even though that may be the case!
    Steve E.

  2. Sring is great isn't it? As the weather warms my life gets fuller too. Have a good one,jeNN

  3. Oh I want to do some yard work so bad, or at least supervise.

  4. I came by your blog by way of Steveroni. I wanted to say hello and read a bit more. Have a good Tuesday!

  5. Hi Akannie, just a Big Ole Hello!
