Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tickled Tuesday

[The famous Gatehouse , where Bill and Bob met]


Ah, the end of a long day in sight. A long, albeit good day.

I had a wonderful massage today and a pedicure and got my nails done. I feel like such a girl !! lol

It's down to about 13 degrees and tomorrow will be not quite as cold as today was and hopefully that damned wind chill factor will go away...it's was freaking COLD out three today! Then we have some high 50's headed our way, I guess.

I was IM'ing with one of my sponsees tonight when she said she had a girl on the line who was drunk and crying. It's a friend of hers who keeps going back out over and again. I know her to see her...but not much beyond that. She was talking out of her head and I told her to give her my number and I'd talk with her. I didn't really think she'd call me, but --surprise!! So I got to do a 12 step call tonight. Just when I get to feeling too useful or normal or something, I get to revisit ME as a drunk. It right-sizes me every time. It ended with her promising me she'd go to bed and sleep it off. And not do anything else. I told her she could call me anytime, that I would always have time to talk to her.

Fast as lightning, the gratitude for my own life just slipped up behind me and grabbed on.

I am enjoying a nice cup of rooiboos tea and yawning like crazy, so I guess I am off to bed soon. I have plans tomorrow to stay home and make a couple of desserts and a chicken pot pie. The desserts will be for the women's meeting dessert potluck and speaker meeting. I
have hubby's breakfast and lunch made, so I can sleep in tomorrow.

Blessings abound if you take a minute to look for them.

Thinbk I'll go lookin'...



  1. Annie--you are such an 'upper' for the early morning (me) and I'm exercising extreme patience-a virtue!

    I'm thinking about June 12, of course.

    Thanks for being first on my list here this morning, a pleasant was to have a first coffee, etc. About 45 deg here now, we got three days of chilly in store in S FL.
    Steve E.

  2. Hubby and I were in that famous Gatehouse and it was a thrilling and very spiritual experience.

  3. Well, since no one else wrote on here yet, I'll double dip--cannot stand the silence (that is not true!)

    Annie, your last full par. starting to sound like Mary L.A.'s posts on hoe she prepares everything just so.

    I love it ALL!
    Steve E.

  4. LOL...Zane.
    I thinbk with very slippery fingers. lol
