Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday...Thor's day?

Oh lordy. I am getting silly with this day thing. Or am I ? *giggle

I had the nicest day today. I am especially grateful for days like this, you know, that fit the bill of the little mantra on the front of my computer:

Nowhere to go

No one to be

Nothing to do.

I made a lovely chicken and rice casserole for supper with some of my home canned green beans on the side, all luscious with onions and garlic and fresh ground black pepper. And I swept some floors. And did a little dishes. Other than that, I just read and was on the computer and took a short walk with Miss Lucy the lab mix. It was nirvana.

Thursday is the women's meeting I attend as well. Tonight it was great as we had 4 newcomers, 3 of whom have had some AA here and there and one was sober almost 8 months before going out to test the waters once again. It was heaven! So for the topic we talked about the first step and read from More about Alcoholism. One had a sponsor before she left and the other wo said they'll be back and where were good meetings the rest of the week? We armed them with Where and When's with all our phone numbers on them, and sent them on their way.

I love fresh meat. :0

I am blessed to watch the hand of AA reaching out over and over again.

I am grateful that it's not always me at the end of that hand. lol

I have to find a speaker for the our monthly potluck in March and I'm having a hard time thinking of who to ask. I'm grateful there's really a large pool of possible suspects.

I blessed to have so many friends, that AA has taught me how to be a friend and a good wife and mother. I'm especially grateful to know that what that little weirdo who grabbed me on my way into my first meeting told me is true: I never have to drink again, if I don't want to.

I'm going to bed...the Sandman is beckoning....



  1. That photograph is absolutely fab'. I can't think of much else but it!

  2. Few things are as simply marvelous as a good chicken and rice dish.

    LOL Goddess bless that little weirdo.
