Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowel Sunday

This is mama Lily, with the little yellow Frank and his brother Sam.
(Are you catching my drift here....)

[This is Frank. Frankie. Frankie Figs., about 2 years after the first photo]
I have been AWOL for the weekend. I'm not talking.
We did go to the neighbors today for a lasagna dinner and to watch the Super Bowl. We had a grand time. They were worried that their wine and the other neighbor's beer would be a problem for us since they knew we didn't drink. (They don't know any particulars...just that we don't drink). We told them of course not. It was a good time and good friends and we even met a new couple who have been friends of our neighbors for 25 years.
I am so tired and don't have much to say, though I do have MUCH to be grateul for.
Maybe tomorrow I'll be back on track. never know...
And to go with my pictures..
"The trouble with a kitten is THAT,
Eventually, it becomes a CAT."
~~Ogden Nash


  1. Annie K
    As long as I am grateful for much, I do not need to SAY much!

    I'll be looking for your G-List tomorrow! (I mean PERSON, you!)
    Steve E.

  2. I've never owned a cat, but they look so precious.

  3. Hi Akannie, I just realized I did not have you on my list. You are now on it so I will be stopping by on a more regular basis. Well, as regular as I can be. Thanks for checking on me. Sometimes I need the little shove. Thanks again.

  4. LOL...yea, pretty precious. When they're not puking and tearing about the house! er, uh...I mean--running with JOY! lol
