Sunday, February 15, 2009


These are the long stemmed roses and Asiaztic lilies my hubby gave me for VD....) (And the Dove chocolate and beautiful card.)


Well, the weekend is finished and so am I. lol I am so tired tonight after a day of service and meetings and just good old sober fun stuff.

Have so much catching to do reading that I cannot even begin to start it until tomorrow or the next day. My internet connection has been iffy and spotty all weekend. It kept freezing up and I'd finally either get so frustrated I'd just turn off the computer, or it would throw everything I had written out into the netherworlds.

But it seems better tonight.

Happy Valentine's Day to you all. Hope everyone's was as good as ((Pammie's))).. * snork!

I'm off to bed. I promise to catch this stuff up soon!!!
