Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday's blessings

[Hubby and I at Dr. Bob's grave in Akron,Ohio]

Back again, to catch up. lol

The meeting went well with about 30 in attendance. The cake was fabulous, I brought a long stemmed yellow rose for my sponsee and got to present the coin and put a star in her gold card. It was a nice evening all around, with several of my other sponsees in attendance as well as a few folks I haven't seen in a while.

My grandson was supposed to come tomorrow, but I called and cancelled and told him gram was just hurting too bad and wouldn't be any fun. Bless his little heart...he texted me twice and emailed me once to say he hoped I was feeling better! He's my angel boy...

I have an appoointment with my guy tomorrow in the early morning. Hopefully he can get me aligned oin just a few sessions... I'd like to not have to take pain pills if there's any way around it. (they just make me sleep) Someone told me to try Excedrin Back and Body, so I will get some of that. I'm all showered and ready for bed, but wanted to stop in and say that I don't think there's any greater blessing than to watch people get this thing, and stay sober and lead happy useful lives. The girl tonight that I am honored to sponsor was brand new when I first moved here. I have watched her unfold and bloom and embrace, both her own life and the world. It's an awesome thing...

God's got a deal for drunks that don't drink....



  1. Nominated you for a Lemonade award sweet pea.

    You are so solidly AA, I love it!


  2. A what??? How does that work? lol
