Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thursday, Thursday

Blessings abound on this first day of the new year. I woke up and proceeded through more than half the day, working on the assumption that it was Saturday. Imagine my surprise! It didn't matter that Saturday could never follow Wednesday. I had completely suspended logic and reality for a bit there. lol Of course, I was in Home Depot part of that time, so that might account for something.

I bought a newer (newer than mine) computer from a guy on Craig's list for a mere pittance. He was getting rid of this one because Santa had brought him a new system. It's a Hewlett-Packard with gonzo memory and a bigger badder hard drive, and a new sound card...all upgraded by him recently. He said he had gotten several calls after he listed it, and most of them wanted to strip it down and sell it for parts. He wanted to bless someone who could really use it. So my blessings started early this morning....

Beginning, of course, with no hangover from too much New Year's Eve. No angry words with my dear husband. No splitting headache or shame or guilt. Just woke up glad to be alive and happy.

I have to get up early to take the dear one to work so that I can keep the car and go get a sponsee and spend the day doing AA related things. And I am really bushed.

Blessed to have a warm bed and a loving husband and good sober friends. Blessed to be able to be connected to the internet and meet all these great people. Blessed to be blessed.

That's my story...and I'm sticking to it.

Happy New Year, y'all....

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