Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Annie's Janny B-day, day....

The cyber world is an amazing thing...today, my 56th birthday, I received greetings and cards from all over the world....Africa, Australia, Britain, Germany, Scotland, Thailand, Ireland, Canada and the US. WOWZA!! The very IDEA of it, gives me goosebumps.

I was blessed to spend a long lunch with my favorite niece and her mother, my sister-in-law. We laughed and ate and just generally had a wonderful time. I dined on a lovely eggplant dish, SIL had a fettucine alfredo with shrimp, scallops and clams (wonderfully done, I must say). It was a royal feast, topped off with a Creme Brulee. yum....

My puppy is doing amazingly well, I feel so blessed that she wasn't hurt form her ordeal last night. So many things could have happened and didn't. Answered prayers....

My nephew called and we chatted for about half an hour. He is the IT guy..and shares my birthday today. He is this close to getting my computer back to me....

Today is also my friend Wendy's birthday, she lives in Brisbane. It was also the birthday of my late friend Art Panachella, who lived in New Bern, NC. He was originally from Jersey, and I adored him. He was funny and smart and sober a long time. We always joked about what a spiritual giant he was...he topped out at about 5'2 ...but that little package held a gigantic heart, and I will miss him all my days. He nicknamed me Apple Annie, because of a story I'll share at a later date.

Before I got sober , until my nephew was born, I didn't know anybody whose bd was the same as mine. SO, this is pretty cool.

I was born in southern IL...in a blizzard, and was delivered by (I am NOT making this up!!) Dr. Jack Frost. (I swear--it's on my birth certificate!!!!) My dad always said it was the worst night of his life...he didn't think they were going to make it to the hospital, the storm was so bad, and they were both so scared. I was the first born child of those two maniacs...5 more followed and I guess it must have gotten easier...lol

Well, guess I have waxed nostalgic long enough. Time for this bear to go to bed....



  1. Love and happiness to you my Annie -- hopefully I'll get to meet you one of these days!



  2. Happy Birthday Annie.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful day.

    God bless.
