Monday, December 29, 2008

Murky Monday

Hola amigas...

I am stopping in for a quick post. Am on my way to bed and am yawning like crazy. I've been up since 5 AM...that could be part of it. :)

The pups are sleeping at my feet, the kitchen is cleaned and the lunch is made. I am looking forward to a nice day here at the farm tomorrow...just me and the critters. Birds to feed, laundry to finish (yes, the water is finally back on--YIPPEE!!!!) and floors to vacuum. And loving every minute of it.

I grateful to alive today.
And that about covers it all.

Sweet dreams, all y'all...

1 comment:

  1. Now THERE is a gratitude list: "Grateful to be alive today"! Me too! Nuff said.
