Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday's fantastic...

It was a good day today. I suspect there were people out still doing the crazy shopping thing, but I wasn't one of them. I have never gone shopping on the day after Christmas OR Thanksgiving in my entire life. And I probably never will. I am blessed to NOT be blessed with that shopping gene. And I know people (mostly women) who live for this stuff. Not me. Uh-uh.

The weather here is ridiculous. Earlier in the week it was 4 degrees and today it was 60. It's so warm in our bedroom that we're having to turn on fans. Tonight we attended a speaker meeting that was also our friend's 9th anniversary. It was a great time, and we rode home through the countryside withthe windows down. IN DECEMBER !!!!!!!!! It's just crazy, I tell ya...

I was blessed to have a nice lazy low key kind of a day. Hubby had to go to Edward Jones to sign some papers and I elected to stay home and straighten up a little and get online and have several long lovely phone conversations. I even got in a little reading. It was awesome.

The pups are all surrounding me in here, one snoozing, one chewing a Christmas rawhide, and one looking so adorable I could eat her up. The cats are placed in assorted and various places, couch backs, window sills, corners and cabnets. Chico the birdboy is settling in for the night and seems to be okay today. I was a little concerned about him yesterday as he seemed lethargic and kept fluffing up his feathers. He wouldn't sing or respond when I talked to him. He'd just look at me. I guess he had a sniffle or he is back to his old belligerant noisy self. That's a relief.

My life out here in the country is simple and just the way I like it (most of the time). I'm blessed to have enough. I'm blessed to be sober. And mostly I'm blessed with the kind of people in my life today that help me trudge the road somedays, and skip merrily on others.

May you find the blessings in your life.


  1. LOL. I don't have that shopping gene either and I'm so grateful for that. Have a wonderful day

  2. I stayed out of the shopping zoo too.

    Spent a lovely time sipping Starbucks with my hubby, daughter, and her boyfriend. It was a leisurely wonderful time.
