Saturday, November 1, 2008

Settle down, it's Saturday!

[The late, great Augie...aka Octavio Augustus]
Just a quick post to say that I'm feeling pretty darn blessed today. All the stars were in alignment and all the little synchronicities fell into place. Made for a very pleasant and comfortable day.
Someone said once, "It's impossible to be hateful and grateful at the same time, so I choose grateful." I loved that. Took it to heart, in fact. The more grateful I am, the better I act. The more grateful I am, the more I have to be grateful for.
Today I am grateful:
*For my family
*For my animals
*For my home
*For my blogging community
*For friends
*For NaNoWriMo buddies
*For friends in general
*Most especially, for my husband, who loves me unconditionally
Life is good.


  1. Pausing to be grateful makes an enormous difference in my day. I don't always remember to do it like I should, but I'm getting better!

  2. Annie K., Yes, bless that husband. One thing we noticed on our Sober Gratitude cruise--so many of us (couples) do not respect one another, seem to act like two horses pulling in opposite directions.

    What's WITH us humans? Why can we not be HAPPY?
