Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday, Thursday

[My handsome boy....Leo de of stage and screen]

It's been a marvelous day and evening. I had a lot of time to myself today, and it was softly rainy the whole time. I made soup and cheesy biscuits for supper (comfort food--yum). The meeting was great, our little new mother came back after birthin' that bruiser (8lbs15oz), we had a newcomer/retread, and a spirited discussion on the story Freedom From Bondage, which I chose because I can. Because , as I explained to the group, I AM the queen of everything. I love that story...and BTW, the Queen of Ice Cream brought her newest creation to the meeting.Punpkin Ice Cream. It was so good, it left me speechless!!!!

And on the way home, I had another spiritual experience on that back country road. As I came up over a hill, and the road straightened out, a huge grey owl swooped down right in front of my car and flew along almost a quarter of a mile in a straight line, right in front of me. Then he swooped off to the right and was gone. I could see him plain as day, and he was huge! And gorgeous. Was it just last week (or the week before??) when I saw the comet or meteorite?? It was out on that same back road.

I was jazzed by that experience, and couldn't wait to get home and tell hubby the birder what I had seen. I didn't think he was nearly excited enough, though he did say "Wow. Cool." (I think he was just jealous).

*Blessed by a really serene day.
*Grateful for friends that are sober.
*Blessed by the rains.
*Grateful that the cheese biscuits were so good.
*Blessed by owls.
*Grateful that I have found another magnificent sober blog to read (TRC)]
*Blessed to have a warm bed to go to, and soup to fill my belly.
*Grateful to be grateful.

Oh's ALL good....


  1. "Punpkin Ice Cream. It was so good, it left me speechless!!!!"

    Ya not supposed tuh talk when ya eatin'anyways, girl!

  2. Dbl-Dpr...I adnire birds.
    sometimes I'd like to be a bird.
    Sometimes I AM a bird.
    Fly, fly with the wind.....sigh!

  3. I love the pic of your furbaby! I've had two wayward kittens that are also orange tabby's arrive in my garage. They've been affectionately named Budrow and Bobby Boufette. ;0)

  4. First comets or meteorites, then owls, what's next?

    My favorite movie of all time was "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" - maybe that's next on that back country road.

  5. all this talk about food is making me really hungry. Sounds wonderful!

  6. I want to spend the weekend at your house, maybe the chickens could inspire me to write chicken stuff-ola again.

  7. All right....y'all come on down and I'll cook and we'll eat and watch Pammie commune with the chickens....these chickens have a lot of stories, but they won't talk. Maybe you could persuade them with a little "Texas know-how"
