Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday --straight up

[In a Japanese Garden in Decatur, IL]

That guy looks like I feel somedays. lol

Had a relatively quiet day today. Went to a meeting, went to lunch with 2 of my sponsees. Came home and played with the dogs. Hubby is out tonight with a friend who had won 2 tickets to a comedy club. They went to a Happy Hour meeting and then to dinner and then the show. I stayed home and grilled myself a beautiful NY Strip steak and baked potato for supper...all nice and rare the way I like it. Grabbed a couple of Roma tomatoes out of the garden and cut 'em up with some sea salt and fresh ground black pepper. Yum.

I vacuumed and sprayed some stuff on the carpets to get rid of any errant fleas that may still be hanging around. It looks pretty good--I think we have won the war. lol

I had probably 5 phone calls from AA'ers. That was nice. I played some computer games. I mostly play word games, with an occasional Zuma thrown in for good measure. *wink

I made a big bowl of cabbage confetti salad to take to a fish fry we've been invited to tomorrow. We'll go to the 10 AM meeting and then from there to the soiree. I realized I wouldn't have time to make it in the has red and green cabbage, red, yellow, and green peppers, chopped fine. I also ALWAYS chop my cabbage-never grate it. It's just one of those things. Then it has carrot and red onion (both grated) and celery seed. The dressing is a vinegar and oil, horseradish,sugar salt and pepper with just a touch of mayo thrown in. Then I blend it well and pour it over. I sometimes put garlic granules in it, but I just bought the garlic and it is SO strong, I decided not to risk it. When I was bringing it home, I had to put it in the trunk because it was making my eyes water. lol I get it at the health food store...where I get most of my spices.

I'm blessed with friends. I'm blessed with contentment.
I'm blessed with sobriety. I'm blessed with discernment.
I'm blessed with relative good health. I'm blessed with a love of all music.
I was blessed today with a 2 1/2 year old who called me gramma...I had taken her out of the meeting to give her mommy a break. We walked across the street to the DG and I bought her a Unicorn pony (the kind with the long stick that you ride), a pink feather and diamond tiara, and a smiling pink and red dinosaur. And some vanilla pudding. And we bought little Caylee a new stuffed toy--a little black lab that looks just like Lucy.

My life is good. I heard a woman say one time that "God's got a DEAL for drunks that don't drink."

I think she was right.

Nitey nite......

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog! I love your profile thing about the hokey pokey.
