Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Twoderful Tuesday!

(That's just one better than WONderful)...in case you wondered. LOL

I've been thinking alot about blessings today. About the mindset that goes with constantly (almost) choosing to be grateful. About how it has changed me and the life I live.

Each breath is a miracle. Difficulties often bring invaluable lessons. The sun is always shining for us when we are grateful, even if it's hiding behind some dark clouds on a rainy day. I see the miracles of sobriety on a daily basis. I see miracles in the flowers and seed pods of the blackberry lilies growing next to my chicken coop. I feel the miracles of a soft breeze blowing my tensions away as I sit on the swing down by the pond. I feel God as I watch the Great Blue Heron fishing, not 15 feet away from me. I watch my little dog recover and valiantly struggle to walk. I watch this man who lives with me love me, even when I am less than loveable. I see miracles in every blade of grass, every birdsong, every child's laugh.

Gratitude is a gift I choose every day. Blessings abound!


  1. Great post, found you through Alky, hello!

  2. Hello, Tyra...

    Glad you found me!!!

  3. This has nothing to do with the first two 'miracles' (comments) but aren't we ALL so very blest? I marvel at the changes I see right here (online--who would've guessed?) in people. The honesty which is displayed here is more than in many a confessional, I'd bet.

    AND...people "find" each other here, isn't that simply GRAND? I want to say, "OK, come on, God. What's the punch-line?"

  4. ...and I just wanna say "Thank you, God"....lol, 'cause it really is grand. So grand.
