Sunday, September 28, 2008

Scintillating Sunday

This is the new baby Caylee. Of course, she's been with us about a month now, but--animal heirerarchy being what it is, she'll always be Baby Caylee. lol She's a real smiler...

Lots of opportunities for gratitude today. Grateful for a really good meeting this morning on Tradition4. Grateful for the meeting chair with 34 years sober. Grateful for the chance to do a little back handed service by giving someone a ride home from the meeting. Grateful to meet some local artisans at the Heritage Days festival. Grateful to get a link to the local Dulcimer Society and maybe even find a teacher. Grateful and especially blessed to have such a beautiful day in which to do all these things. Clear blue skies and temps in the low 80's. Grateful for a call from Florida from a concerned friend. Grateful for the conversation with my baby brother who had gall bladder surgery earlier this week and is doing well.

Glad to be sober enough to recognize the miracles and the blessings and the spirit all around me.

Really glad to be on this side of the dirt, still sucking air.


  1. Also still on this side of the dirt, and grateful for that. But my fingernails all have dirt undr them, toenails too. Is that a premonition? No, that's weeding in the flowerbed.
    Soberly, that is!

  2. I love to hear such gratitude - fills me with a beautiful spiritual feeling.
